September 5, 2023

The FC Publisher Interview: Stephen Games

The FC Publisher Interview: Stephen Games

The Publisher of EnvelopeBooks Proves You Can Judge A Book by Its Cover The art of creating a distinctive publishing brand among a miasma of publishers Ever wonder why there is no authoritative, independent resource for seeking out books like there is with IMDB for movies? (Well, like IMDB used to be, anyway.) It surely isn’t Amazon, nor is it Goodreads, which Amazon took over in 2013. A year earlier, a publishing entrepreneur filled that void in the UK . . . we interviewed him to learn about his experiences and views of the publishing business. In 2012, Stephen Games started a magazine connecting publishers’ books with readers and named it Booklaunch , which he says is, “now the highest circulation books magazine in the UK . . … Tabloid-size pages allow publishers to place…

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August 26, 2021

“Tiny Shredded Pieces,” A Story by Unimke Ushie

“Tiny Shredded Pieces,” A Story by Unimke Ushie

When my husband told me his mother was visiting London after our wedding in Nigeria when we last saw her, I remembered her not so soft hands tapping my buttocks, touching my breast and every crease around its plumpness, and saying –with a smile that did not wrinkle the skin around her eyes– “nwunye anyi, our wife, I’m just checking if your breasts have enough to support my unborn grandchildren.” I had a bland look on my face when she touched me, that is somehow the same now listening to my husband tell me of her coming to London. And soon I felt something I cannot see or name entering my body, and a damp wetness between my legs. “I’ll finally eat good food” he added. Avoiding my face. “Oh, Chikelu you know cooking is…

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June 22, 2019

“Wuthering’s” – The Saturday Night Podcast

“Wuthering’s” – The Saturday Night Podcast

Hi, Podcast Fans! Last week our podcasters were from Australia. This week, they’re from England! Having creative people who present their work from around the globe is awesome for us, and awesome for you, too! This is a double treat for Fictional Café because tonight’s podcast, “Wuthering’s” is set in a fictional café as well! In the auteur’s own words: “A new scripted comedy podcast set in Wuthering’s, a fictional cake shop in St Paul’s, London. Mr Wuthering, Jack Hatton and Emily Richpin contend with contemporary life – and a 17th century ghost.” Herewith Season One, in six episodes. They’re each under half an hour, so imbibe as you wish, all at once or at your leisure. Wuthering’s is Classic British humour, so enjoy, you blokes! Production Notes: Mr Wuthering is played by Kit Smith,…

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