June 7, 2024

“The Books of Thoth” by Sam McDonald

“The Books of Thoth” by Sam McDonald

The god of wisdom holds many books with his great library. Unfurl the papyrus, and breathe in the ancient scent. Come with us as we explore the stories contained within The Books of Thoth. The Books of Thoth is an audio drama anthology podcast. You will explore tales of the past, the future, and even alternate realities. Every book in Thoth’s library has a story to tell. Let’s go find some, shall we? 100 million years in the future. Humans are long extinct. Squids rule the Earth. They only know us from the fossils we leave behind. What will they make of us? What assumption will they draw? Written and produced by Sam McDonald. A fleet of alien space probes enter the night sky. But this is not our sky, and the probes are from…

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December 9, 2022

“Residents of Proserpina Park” by Angela Yih

“Residents of Proserpina Park” by Angela Yih

Residents of Proserpina Park is a fiction podcast focusing on mythological creatures mixed with a story just as wild as the past. Learn about creatures you’ve never heard before and follow Alina on her crazy journey to find the truth. Join Alina as she investigates a mysterious park in her town for a school assignment. What she finds there is more than she could possibly imagine. Our hero, Alina, returns to the park and learns more about mythical dogs and why they are perfect (or at least almost as perfect as Cerberus.) Alina sneaks her friend Drew into the park hoping to explore their childhood fantasies. Little do they know, the park has other plans. Residents of Proserpina Park is a production written and produced by Angela Yih. Directed by Angela Yih. Narrated by Vida…

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April 12, 2021

“Kali,” A Short Story by Emily Chaff

“Kali,” A Short Story by Emily Chaff

“Is everything okay here?” “Well, it’s fine. But, can I ask you, I mean, I don’t know if you can do anything about it, but—” Kali waited beside the table, her fist tightening around the handle of the coffee pot she held. She couldn’t care less what the problem was. She wondered if her customers realized she was contractually obligated to ask them if they were enjoying their meal and if she could get them anything else. And with this guy, it was always something. He came in every morning the second the door was open. Breakfast started at 7am and she dreaded seeing his face peering through the glass, without fail, at 6:55. He sat himself at the same four-top table, table 32, and set himself up like a king holding court. Extra napkins….

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October 26, 2020

“Baba Yaga” — Poetry by Raquel Dionísio Abrantes

“Baba Yaga” — Poetry by Raquel Dionísio Abrantes

Baba Yaga    He needs to learn to respect your no;  He needs to learn to hear your yes.  If he does not let him go;   You do not want a vile head on your chest.    Unleash your Baba Yaga, the one  Who leaves scars.  You will rise from the red-hot sun  And no one can tear you apart.    Believe me;  You are ready to forge your throne.  In you there are the seven seas  Beneath your growing skin of stone.     Your Perseus Face    Dream after dream you split my  Soul like a glass of rum.  I spend the night by the bed,  Restless, seeing your Perseus face.  But I do not have Medusa’s head  Nor any body to offer you.   You are a man in the shadow  Of a lost fire. How many times  Have you seen the…

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