April 9, 2024

National Poetry Month 2024: 3 Poems by Salvatore Difalco

National Poetry Month 2024: 3 Poems by Salvatore Difalco

National Poetry Month continues on strong with long time FC contributor Salvatore Difalco. Difalco has proven himself in the past to be a master of imagery, and he delivers once again with these touching poems. Take a look, you won’t be disappointed! Bleeding From The Ears  I feel like the moon is attacking me tonight  under the crosshatched shade of palm trees,  my amnesia an impenetrable white wall.  If I see stars they do not shine above,  they shine inside my head, among its clouds.  I wear a rumpled sheet, my clothes  and shoes nowhere to be found.  The palm trees sigh like sleepy aunts,  but do not speak of the laguna and the black  surrounding hills. Shapes advance  and withdraw in the charcoal darkness,   accompanied by flashes of eyes.  Nothing comes to me, nothing,…

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August 9, 2021

“Finding Progressions in Mere Lists,” by M. A. Istvan

“Finding Progressions in Mere Lists,” by M. A. Istvan

finding progressions in mere lists    when none of the facts  so integral to who you are  can be reached    absenting oneself from a situation by fainting    sitting on a wood fence for hours  in hope that a new face   will show itself to talk    failures loom larger in places where little else is around    pinching the tongue of one seizuring      the flood displacement would have been  a glorified camping vacation  had he not learned of her betrayal     feigning knowledge of facts  mentioned in an offhand tone  as if you knew them already    thoughts of suicide   to stay in the game when   mere to-do lists fail     making the position clear threatens to make it vulnerable    even the sexual organs of family  are open for dinner conversation  once…

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