June 19, 2024

Excerpts from “Ocean of Tears” by Ololade Akinlabi

Excerpts from “Ocean of Tears” by Ololade Akinlabi

Ololade Akinlabi is an author who isn’t afraid to discuss gender and societal issues in his work. Included below are two excerpts from his upcoming novel, Ocean of Tears. The excerpts are followed by an interview with Ololade, where he discusses his inspiration for writing the book. CHAPTER FOUR DUNSI AND HER CHILDREN DRESSED FOR CHURCH and waited patiently for the decision of the pregnant clouds that loomed outside. As she settled into her seat on the sofa next to Ariyo, Dunsi couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride in the vibrant garment she had purchased for her daughter. The intricate details and col­ors perfectly complemented Ariyo’s natural beauty. Itunu, seated beside Ariyo, looked dashing in his African wax print Ankara outfit and brown sandals. Tobi, who occupied the other end of the sofa,…

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June 14, 2024

6 Poems by Marissa LaPorte

6 Poems by Marissa LaPorte

*Featured image courtesy of Ian Deng on Unsplash* We have a nice collection of poems this week by Marissa LaPorte. Marissa evokes a lot of emotion in her writing, which we were immediately drawn to. Let’s give her a warm welcome to the community! Smoke and Nostalgia on the Underground City Train  The city smog was suffocating  Air purifiers blasting noise like static   on the underground train   Those purifiers didn’t have a chance against the thick city air   It swarmed in like hordes of black flies every time the train stopped   and dared to open its doors to the harsh conditions of outside  Silly us for thinking we would be safe  underground  Sillier that people still believe it is a long-term fix  I stifle the urge to laugh in the face of the absurdity  Maybe…

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June 7, 2024

“The Books of Thoth” by Sam McDonald

“The Books of Thoth” by Sam McDonald

The god of wisdom holds many books with his great library. Unfurl the papyrus, and breathe in the ancient scent. Come with us as we explore the stories contained within The Books of Thoth. The Books of Thoth is an audio drama anthology podcast. You will explore tales of the past, the future, and even alternate realities. Every book in Thoth’s library has a story to tell. Let’s go find some, shall we? 100 million years in the future. Humans are long extinct. Squids rule the Earth. They only know us from the fossils we leave behind. What will they make of us? What assumption will they draw? Written and produced by Sam McDonald. A fleet of alien space probes enter the night sky. But this is not our sky, and the probes are from…

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June 4, 2024

“All’s Fair in Love and War” by Brandon Breen

“All’s Fair in Love and War” by Brandon Breen

*Featured image courtesy of Jack Ward on Unsplash* This piece by Brandon Breen takes us on an emotional journey that also gives us some insight into Italian history. This is truly a special piece and we hope Brandon shares with us again in the future. Padua, Italy, 1968 Everything was about to change in Gabriella’s own country. Not everyone had the foresight to see that the revolutionary spirit brewing inside the students would soon be turned out onto the failures of Italy itself. There were so many injustices going on in Italy and the entire world and it was ironic that it was an occurrence on a worldwide scale that reflected the lens back towards Italy. Others were convinced that fascism was dead and gone and ignored the fermenting of familiar ideology. What most people…

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June 3, 2024

3 Poems by Ndaba Sibanda

3 Poems by Ndaba Sibanda

*Featured image courtesy of Ian Kiragu on Unsplash* Ndaba Sibanda is a skilled poet who writes lines that are both intelligent and emotional. Take a look at his excellent poems below. Doors Of Justice a loss of mental faculties for a ruthless street robber and an infamous killer got tongues wagging- with many citizens claiming karma had finally knocked on the doors of justice Ours Is An Unbreakable Love Your gains are the pains of villains, Your grins come in several scopes, I really revere your super sunrises, but Beautiful Beloved, I’ve requests despite your stunning, seemly sunsets. You’re the nub of love and custody. You’re not just any other landscape, for at the core of our link is a bold bond. Ours is durable, divine, dear and decisive. Though I can live yonder, it’s…

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May 29, 2024

3 Poems by Mickey J. Corrigan

3 Poems by Mickey J. Corrigan

*Featured image courtesy of Talha Riaz on Pexels* These poems are a bit different from our usual postings. They are written as a biography following the husbands of the poet Dorothy Parker, and their life with her. On Dorothy Parker by her First Husband (Edwin Pond Parker II)  When I met her she was small a woman you could woo breathe her woody scent run hands down slim hips have lively discussions  her sweet gentle voice sharing words of love.  Time sharpened her edges her soft speech peppered with bricklayer swears her radical views cutting bitch wit deep sense of injustice anger at the rich which I took personally, insulted as provider in our home scion of a fine family successful stockbroker she seemed to reject all that she had come from that I was giving her  she bit the open hand of her master once too many times.  After the war I returned from the front different…

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May 24, 2024

“Homicide at Heavensgate” by Sentinel Studios

“Homicide at Heavensgate” by Sentinel Studios

When a mysterious guest is found dead during the grand opening of a new lunar resort, two detectives are sent to investigate. What they find is a rich assortment of potential suspects, and the emergence of a mystery that goes deeper than they imagined. Former cop turned private detective Bianca Buchannan gets an unexpected phone call, takes a new case, and finds all is not well in the gates of heaven. Homicide at Heavensgate stars Marta da Silva as Bianca Buchanan, Lofty Fulton as Cole Duncan, and features the voice talent of David Ault — June Yoon — Joanna Tope — Antonio King — Sasha Masakowski — Ethan Carlson — Andy Harvey — Daniel Cross — Hesham Elshazly — A. G. Willoughby — Joseph Narducci — Nato Jacobson — Joseph Narducci — Laura Richcreek —…

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May 22, 2024

Book Excerpt: “The Last Train to Chicago” by Michael Gray

Book Excerpt: “The Last Train to Chicago” by Michael Gray

*Featured image courtesy of Mado El Khouly on Unsplash* Michael Gray has given us the honor of publishing an excerpt from one of his upcoming pieces. Check it out and tell us what you think in the comments below. I’m just back from the dumpster, the Chicago train’s horn blaring its warning, as Hundley waltzes in with his load on and orders the blue plate special. It’s getting late and we only stay open until ten now because there’s not enough traffic. The blue plate is all we’ve got left, a mishmash of creamed corn or potatoes. Sometimes fries if there’s any in the fryer that haven’t drowned in oil. He’s not picky, Hundley. What drunk is? He stops by to soak up the alcohol with whatever we put in front of him. And of…

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May 15, 2024

“First Impressions of India” by Jon Meyer

“First Impressions of India” by Jon Meyer

*Featured Image courtesy of Naveed Ahmed on Unsplash* Travelling can always lead to some memorable experiences, and Jon Meyer certainly made some memories in his visit to India. Read a snippet of Jon’s trip in his nonfiction piece, “First Impressions of India.” First Impressions of India It was 1973, and I had been a follower of Meher Baba for three years. The white light from Lord Meher through Darwin was powerful, and was still sustaining me even though the constant bliss was somewhat diminished.  I spent a year at the Orrefors Glass School in Sweden and came home to be offered a job at Steuben Glass in Corning, NY. This work was quite varied, which I enjoyed. It entailed being in charge of the new apprentice program in addition to my other duties. Since the…

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May 13, 2024

“Who is Izzy Jean?” by Arvilla Fee

“Who is Izzy Jean?” by Arvilla Fee

*Featured image courtesy of Kris Atomic on Unsplash* I’ll be straight with you, FC readers. This was one of my favorite stories, and I think you’ll enjoy it as well. Let’s give Arvilla Fee a warm welcome as she joins our community with her wholesome story, “Who is Izzy Jean?” The line at Make it Strong Café is long and snail-inches forward; I stare, without focus, at my phone while adhering to my personal rule #8—never engage with anyone before coffee. You may wonder why that’s rule #8, but I assure you, my first seven are equally, if not more, important. “Excuse me, dear,” comes a voice in front of me. I look up wearily and am staring down at the tiniest woman I’ve ever seen. Four-foot nothing, probably 80 pounds. Her hair is white…

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