April 1, 2024

Fictional Cafe’s National Poetry Month, 2024

Fictional Cafe’s National Poetry Month, 2024

For the 4th year, Fictional Cafe spends the month of April celebrating poets and their poetry.

April Fool’s Day notwithstanding, welcome to America’s National Poetry Month! We have a full month of great poetry, written by our own Coffee Club members, to share with you. Two highlights: please welcome our new Poet-in-Residence PS Conway! Just last month PS published his first collection of poetry in a book entitled Echoes Lost in Stars. It was an immediate hit bestseller. Grab your copy from your favorite bookseller. This guy loves to write, and we’re saving a special spot for an excerpt in two weeks.

But first up for the month is a frequent contributor, Michael Larrain, who has written a six-part epic poem entitled “The Life of A Private Eye.” It’s engrossing, and we just published Part I last week. it will continue through April and into the first week of May.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading all of our chosen poets appearing throughout the month. We’d love you to share your favorites with the FC community in the Comments section of each post.

The Editors

#michael larrain#national poetry month#poetry#ps conway#vera west

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