July 27, 2019

“Dixon and Sparks” – A Great New Audio Arts Adventure from ZBS

“Dixon and Sparks” – A Great New Audio Arts Adventure from ZBS

It’s always a pleasure to welcome ZBS back to the Fictional Cafe, and tonight is no exception. For your listening delight, we present all eight episodes of “The Night Has Begun,” a Dixon and Sparks radio drama. ZBS audio is very high quality, so headphones are recommended.

We’re also very happy to display Genevieve Shapiro’s artistic talents in the featured image (so like a record album cover) here at FC again. Genevieve, in addition to her art for ZBS audio works, created the featured image for ten-year-old Joy Son’s very first published short story, “Princess Olivia.” Thank you for sharing your art with us, Genevieve!

The story: Polly Parker believes someone has put a curse on her fiancé, Clifford Barnett. Clifford and his partner, Alan Hendrix, are what’s called headhunters — they find executives to run companies. Polly suspects, and so do Taylor Dixon and Phineas Sparks, this may be a real headhunters curse.

On with the show! Please click the right-pointing arrow to listen to each episode of the first Dixon and Sparks mystery. If you like what you hear, please click on Comments below and let us know. If we hear from enough of you Coffee Clubbers, we’ll present another!

Episode 1, The Shapes & Shadows of Their Thoughts
Episode 2, They’re Still Hunting Heads
Episode 3, Ten Sure Signs of Knowing You’ve Been Cursed
Episode 4, Sometimes They Speak To Each Other
Episode 5, Whatever You Do – Don’t
Episode 6, The Spirits Are Hungry
Episode 7, Fritz, The All-Knowing Shrunken Head
Episode 8, Were We Just Cursed?
#audio arts#mystery#Podcast#radio drama
About theJack B. Rochester
  • Anonymous says:

    I love ZBS! Great story!

  • Brett Bydairk says:

    Love ZBS and their productions! I have this one, but it only runs 1:04:20 in 6 episodes, where this one runs 1:06:16 in 8 episodes. How (and why) did this happen?

    • Jack B. Rochester says:

      Hey Brett, Thomas Lopez from ZBS replies: “When “The Night” was originally released on CD and downloads, it was one continuous story, but with 6 ‘track markers’. Later, we broke it into 8 episodes (to play on our website, and on The Fictional Cafe), and we inserted the title at the beginning of (almost) every episode, that’s what gives the additional time. Other than that, there is no difference in the story.” ~ Jack

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