September 7, 2021

“The Sword of David,” An Excerpt by Charles Lichtman

“The Sword of David,” An Excerpt by Charles Lichtman

Editor’s Note: This month we are featuring four novel excerpts—debuting one each Tuesday. Our first is Charles Lichtman’s The Sword of David—a brand new novel, which came out today. In this action-packed thriller, an Israeli commando must search the globe for a long-lost biblical treasure. Hope you enjoy!       PART ONE  CHAPTER 1  Jerusalem, Present Day  “Excuse me, Ms. Klein, I hate to impose, but may I please have your autograph?” asked a middle-aged woman who was holding out a piece of paper and a pen.  “Ma’am, I’m sorry. People come up to me all the time thinking I’m the woman who saved the president. I know I look like her, but it’s not me,” replied the younger woman.  “Oh, I’m sorry,” the tourist said. “Please forgive me.”  “Not a problem,” Debra Klein replied. “It happens…

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