June 14, 2024

6 Poems by Marissa LaPorte

6 Poems by Marissa LaPorte

*Featured image courtesy of Ian Deng on Unsplash* We have a nice collection of poems this week by Marissa LaPorte. Marissa evokes a lot of emotion in her writing, which we were immediately drawn to. Let’s give her a warm welcome to the community! Smoke and Nostalgia on the Underground City Train  The city smog was suffocating  Air purifiers blasting noise like static   on the underground train   Those purifiers didn’t have a chance against the thick city air   It swarmed in like hordes of black flies every time the train stopped   and dared to open its doors to the harsh conditions of outside  Silly us for thinking we would be safe  underground  Sillier that people still believe it is a long-term fix  I stifle the urge to laugh in the face of the absurdity  Maybe…

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