April 11, 2023

Week Two: AJ Huffman, Morouje Sherif, Charles Remmelkamp

Week Two: AJ Huffman, Morouje Sherif, Charles Remmelkamp

We’re so delighted to welcome A. J. Huffman and her poetry to Fictional Cafe. A.J. is a poet and freelance writer in Daytona Beach, Florida.  She has published 27 collections and chapbooks of poetry.  In addition, she has published her work in numerous national and international literary journals.  She is currently the editor for Kind of a Hurricane Press literary journals.      Two Boards Don’t Always Equal An X  I wear his depression for hours.  Like a crown of duller thorns, it does not bleed me.  But breeds a bizarre dissension.  I understand the gray it is shading. Around my edges it appears.  Colder than his.  He shudders. Mistaking the chill for lore.  It is not your soul leaving your body. I sigh.  (It is my soul trying to breathe.)  You worry I am not strong/safe/alive enough to hold you.  You are wrong (Such…

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