November 26, 2021

“The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders by ZBS Productions

“The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders by ZBS Productions

Happy November Fictional Cafe Listeners, I know there are quite a few of you who have been looking forward to The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders by ZBS Productions. Therefore Fictional Cafe presents for your entertainment, Dreams of the Amazon, Pt. 1 and 2. Jack Flanders is an adventurer. He not only travels to different countries in search of knowledge, he also steps into other dimensions to solve strange metaphysical puzzles. All of Jack’s stories have a lightness and humor, as well as some wonderful little wisdoms scattered throughout. Jack Flanders’ adventures are often set in locations where we traveled to record the sounds; Brazil, the Amazon, India, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Belize, Costa Rica, Morocco, Montreal and New Orleans. Jack’s interest is piqued when a mysterious woman joins him at his New York restaurant table,…

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