January 31, 2022

“Landscapes,” Photography by Fabrice Poussin

“Landscapes,” Photography by Fabrice Poussin

Artist’s Statement: There is something grand to be said about solitude. Although it is not perhaps the ideal state most seek, it is nonetheless a privileged place in which to rest. When the noise stops and the silence of a pristine world sets in, things merely change within. Imagine inhaling the thinning air of high altitudes, of the desert, or the thicker atmosphere of one’s backyard. There is life in every particle if you take the time to slow down and abandon the humdrum of the city where it may appear everything is. It is quite unfathomable for many to understand the possibility offered by a solitary journey to where few venture. These images are an invitation to join and commune with something much larger than the daily unwanted duties of a busy human life. …

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July 2, 2020

Fabrice Poussin — Painting the Roses Red

Fabrice Poussin — Painting the Roses Red

Editor’s Note: This month’s featured artist is Fabrice Poussin, an FC alum from 2018. In this collection, he presents his photography of spray-painted flowers and other objects. But this is no Alice in Wonderland redux. Find out what inspired Fabrice to take on this artistic project. I believe the artist must be like the bright-eyed child. He must seek beauty (what is beauty in his mind) and translate it into his own expression to inspire awe, bewilderment, joy, sadness, endless emotions to the viewer, reader, or listener. If he cannot find it, he must create it. These photos were conceived from a strange gift from a friend. He left me a number of cans of paint. For quite some time I wondered what I may do with those, and it occurred to me, and this…

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July 17, 2018

At the Intersection of Nature and Humankind

At the Intersection of Nature and Humankind

Fabrice Poussin’s Photography Fabrice Poussin loves his camera, and it is quite clear his camera loves his subjects. He shoots in both color and black and white, and it quickly becomes evident that his eye finds many diverse visual subjects from the intersection of nature and humankind in front of his lens. Please click on the individual photos to see a full-screen view. Ancient Feast   Bearing the Future By the Garden   Dance   Fire and Ice   Her Composition   Jail for the Senses   Last Smiles   Lost Hope   Saving Dreams ***     Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and dozens of other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch…

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