Ruby and Jack are pleased to bring you some new audio arts dramas tonight, courtesy of our friends at Electric Vicuna Productions. There are many people out there who work tirelessly, without compensation and often without praise, creating great audio content for our enjoyment. Jack J. Ward is one of those people; see his bio at the bottom of this post. But now, please enjoy the Electric Vicuna production and re-creation of one of the most famous radio dramas ever written or aired [thanks so much, Lucille Fletcher]: “Sorry, Wrong Number.” We’re also including the original version, which was broadcast on the CBS radio show “Suspense” on May 25, 1943 — then again, and again, due to its popularity. It starred Agnes Moorhead, and some years later was made into a film starring Barbara Stanwyck….
Another Night of Halloween PodioFun
Following last night’s premier podcast, here are eight more Halloween treats from ZBS Media’s “90-Second Cellphone Chillin’ Theater.” You podcast lovers might recall “Saratoga Noir,” which we re-podcasted here a few months ago. Tomorrow night, Halloween, we’ll present the final eight episodes, for a total of 24. Do we deliver great content or what? “Zombie Al’s Big Night Out” “Dixie Doodle, Girl Geek, in ‘Totally Flat Busted’” “When the Wolfling Learns to Whistle” “Eating Crackers in a Crypt” “Dixie Doodle, Girl Geek, in ‘My Boyfriend’s Back’” “Drooling Doreen” “Revenge of the Tooth Fairy” “Loathsome Sally Under the Texas Moon” That’s all, folks! We hope you enjoyed and if you did, check in tomorrow night for the final eight episodes of “90-second Cellphone Chillin’ Theater.”
Trick or Treat? Three Nights of Halloween Goodies for You
Thanks to our friends at ZBS Media, we present three nights of Halloween audio fun: “The 90-Second Cellphone Chillin’ Theater!” These are ghoulishly fun little podio stories created to get you in the mood for Halloween. Tonight we offer you the first eight, plus eight more tomorrow night, and eight again the Halloween night. We hope you enjoy them, and if you do, please write a Comment for us the share with ZBS. If you love audio stories, we encourage you to visit the ZBS Media website. It’s an audio treasure trove! “The Okie Dokie Swamp Thingie” “Hotel Catatonia” “Don’t Eat on Twilight Street” “The Monkey”s Magic Eyeball” “Don’t Eat at Igor’s” “The Sweet Scent of a Succubus” “Frankenstein’s Finger” “The X-Filings Dental Case”
Friday Night is Gumshoe Night Again: “Saratoga Noir”
Ruby Fink, our Audio Arts Barista, and I were talking recently about great detective podcasts and we both agreed that “Saratoga Noir” was one of the best ever. And since it’s Friday night, our traditional audio arts/podcast evening, we’re rolling that tape again. Here’s the first episode of ZBS’s “Saratoga Noir,” featuring one of the world’s greatest, most humorously cynical and yet endearing gumshoes, Danny Boyee. Please click on the arrow below to listen to Episode 1 of “Saratoga Noir.” If you want to listen to the entire story, they’re all here at the Café: Enjoy, with another big thank-you to our friends at the ZBS Foundation! Please visit their site. It’s a treasure trove of audio delights.
Barista Ruby Fink’s Podcasting AMA
A letter from our Audio Arts barista. It’s Ruby Fink’s Podcasting AMA (ask me anything)! Greetings, beloved readers, writers, artists and friends, If you don’t know, the Fictional Café is going to be turning five years old on May 22nd… live on Facebook. This is a very special occasion, and will be celebrated with the pomp and jubilation that only a five year old website dedicated to the arts deserves. However, this day would not be possible without all of you. Without the 500+ subscribers, artists, writers, readers, visionaries and dreamers from 6 continents and over 40 countries sending in their masterpieces, Jack and the rest of us baristas would have folded our tents, separated and gone back to our random doodles, poems, sappy love stories and hermit-like, minimally social lifestyle. (Or maybe that’s…
“The Diarist” – Your Friday Night Podcast
We welcome a new auteur and audio arts experience tonight with “The Diarist,” created by Rose Gluck, as she prefers to be known. Here’s her description of “The Diarist,” an audio story replete with a cast of characters. music and sound effects. We present the first episode here, tonight, for you Coffee Clubbers one and all. After completing Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School, Andrea Davies takes a position at a large New York Advertising firm, admittedly to find a husband and secure a life as a well-to-do country-club socialite. Andrea becomes increasingly drawn into her boss Richard Hayes’ bizarre personal life. She begins to assume the role of his wife and mother to his young daughter. However, a parallel reality continues in his apartment, where his psychotic wife moves in and out of insanity. Things are…